City Council Meeting Agenda - May 11, 2020




Monday, May 11, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

 420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068


  • Pledge to the Flag 
  • Prayer



  • Rochelle Community Hospital and Healthcare Staff Month – May 2020
  • Rochelle Hubs Senior Recognition Day – May 23, 2020


  • Mayor 
  • Council Members
  • Good News

o Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – Administrative Services

o Water Reclamation Department




a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf April 27, 2020  (410 KB)

b) Approve Exceptions – pdf 04/22/20-05/05/20 (197 KB)

c) Approve Payroll – pdf 04/06/20-04/19/20 (60 KB) , pdf 04/20/20-05/03/20 (62 KB)

d) Accept and Place on File Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes – pdf 03/02/20 (115 KB)

e) pdf Accept and Place on File Rochelle Police Pension Board Annual Treasurer’s Report  (26 KB)

2) Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Allow Lighthouse Dispensing Company, LLC to Operate an Adult Use Craft Grower Facility at 501 Timber Lane and Ordinance Granting Variations Related to Temporary Craft Grower Facilities 

3) Ordinance Granting Variation of Lot Coverage for an Americans with Disabilities Act Bathroom Addition at 1309 Brookside Drive

4) Ordinance Granting a Special Use to allow Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC to Hold Events in Its Rickhouse Located at 417 N 6th Street

5) Ordinance Amending the Annual Budget for the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2020

6) Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Elizabeth Anning for a Temporary Construction Easement

7) Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Accepting the Proposal of URETEK USA, INC. and Authorizing Related Expenditures

8) Railcar Transload Agreement between the Burlington Junction Railway, Inc and Bruns Construction

9) Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding WESCO Englewood Electric the Purchase Order for the Purchase of LED Streetlights

10) Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Open Systems International, INC. an Order for the Purchase of SCADA System Upgraded Software




Anyone interested in participating in public commentary remotely should contact City Clerk Sue Messer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 815-562-6161 to make arrangements.

Council members may participate in the City Council Meeting remotely as a result of the Governor suspending

the requirement for in-person attendance at Public Meetings.

The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook.

Agenda Item #2 - Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Allow Lighthouse Dispensing Company, LLC to Operate an Adult Use Craft Grower Facility at 501 Timber Lane and Ordinance Granting Variations Related to Temporary Craft Grower Facilities

Staff Contact:  Michelle Pease, Community Development Director

Summary:      Lighthouse Dispensing, LLC seeking a Special Use permit for an adult use cannabis craft grower facility located at 501 Timber Lane, zoned I-2 General Industry, along with a Variance of the municipal code to allow temporary containers to be used as a grow facility until the permanent facility is constructed.

The requested variance is for temporary containers as a grow facility in order to meet the production timeline defined by the State, which is six months form the award of license to production. This does not allow enough time for their permanent facility to be built.

Under the District Use Classification found in Section 110-291 of the Rochelle Municipal Code, for an adult use cannabis craft grower to be in an I-2 zoning district, a public hearing and a special use must be recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission to the City Council.

A public hearing was held on Monday, May 5, 2020. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Special Use and Variance by a vote of 7-0.

Strategic Plan Goal Application: 

This project continues to support the City’s Strategic Plan goals by promoting realistic and sustainable growth.


Approve an Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Allow Lighthouse Dispensing Company, LLC to Operate an Adult Use Craft Grower Facility at 501 Timber Lane

Approve an Ordinance Granting Variations Related to Temporary Craft Grower Facilities

Supporting Documents: 

pdf Concept plan and Temporary Growing Container Specifications (370 KB)

image GIS Site Location (98 KB)

pdf Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Allow Lighthouse Dispensing Company, LLC to Operate an Adult Use Craft Grower Facility at 501 Timber Lane (208 KB)

pdf Ordinance Granting Variations Related to Temporary Craft Grower Facilities (208 KB)

 Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance Granting Variation of Lot Coverage for an Americans with Disabilities Act Bathroom Addition at 1309 Brookside Drive

Staff Contact: Michelle Pease, Community Development Director

Summary: Residents Sally Sawicki and Steve Strang located at 1309 Brookside Drive are seeking a variance of lot coverage. Currently the petitioner is at 43% coverage, which is 10% over the code allowed amount of 33%. The petitioner is requesting to take up additional lot coverage in order to put an addition on their house for an ADA bathroom. The addition will be in the front of the house under a current overhang where a cement patio already exists. The area to be added is approximately 68 square feet.

A public hearing was held on Monday, May 5, 2020. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Variance by a vote of 7-0.

Strategic Plan Goal Application:This request continues to support the City’s Strategic Plan goals and objectives by maintaining and encouraging a quality housing stock.

Recommendation:Approve an Ordinance Granting Variation of Lot Coverage for an Americans with Disabilities Act Bathroom Addition at 1309 Brookside Drive

Supporting Documents:

pdf Concept plan (2.35 MB)

pdf Aerial plan view (2.35 MB)

pdf Ordinance Granting Variation of Lot Coverage for an Americans with Disabilities Act Bathroom Addition at 1309 Brookside Drive (208 KB)

Agenda Item #4 - Ordinance Granting a Special Use to allow Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC to Hold Events in Its Rickhouse Located at 417 N 6th Street

Staff Contact: Michelle Pease, Community Development Director

Summary: Kennay Farms Distilling is seeking a Special Use permit to hold events inside the Rickhouse storage area at 417 N. 6th Street, zoned B1 Commercial Central Business. Although events are an allowable use in a B1 zoning district, the Rickhouse was constructed as a warehouse and not as an event venue.

The number of exits, along with building square footage, allows for a max capacity of 722 people. The building has one men’s and one women’s ADA bathroom. The Kennay’s have committed to make certain concessions to meet code requirements for a place of gathering to obtain a special use permit. 1- The appropriate number of bathrooms are brought in for the events with a time restriction of 24 hours before and after an event. These portable bathrooms will not be left in place from one event to another. 2- The heating unit on the East side would be placed South of the existing stormwater inlet without obstructing the transformer or fire department connection. A site plan is required and must be approved before the project is allowed to move forward. A decorative screening, such as solid fencing, would be provided on the North side of the heating unit. 3- A permanent drainage easement shall be dedicated to the City of Rochelle, within the Northeast corner of Lot 1 of Kennay Farms Distilling LLC subdivision, approximately 15’x30’, to allow connection to and drainage through an existing storm sewer at the intersection of 5th Avenue and a public alley. 4- A temporary construction easement shall be dedicated to the City of Rochelle, along the easterly 10 feet of Lot 1 of Kennay Farms Distilling LLC subdivision, to allow for reconstruction of the alley east of Lot 1. A public hearing was held on Monday, May 5, 2020. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Special Use by a vote of 6-1.

Strategic Plan Goal Application: This Special Use request continues to support the City’s Strategic Plan goals by promoting, retaining and enhancing small business development.

Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Granting a Special Use to allow Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC to Hold Events in Its Rickhouse Located at 417 N 6th Street

Supporting Documents:

pdf Ordinance Granting a Special Use to allow Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC to Hold Events in Its Rickhouse Located at 417 N 6th Street (130 KB)

Agenda Item #5 - Ordinance Amending the Annual Budget for the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2020

Staff Contact: Jeff Fiegenschuh, City Manager

Summary: The City Council approved the 2020 Budget at the December 9, 2019 meeting. Due to the Covid-19 crisis and the uncertainty surround the State’s budget issues and local tax collections, our team has spent the past several week looking for ways to reduce spending. Our team feels that it is prudent to remain ahead of the curve and reduce expenditures now in anticipation of the coming revenue declines. The following expenditure reductions present a good faith effort to reduce spending and maintain services in the current fiscal year.

  • General Fund (include Police, Fire, Community Development, City Manager, City Attorney, Mayor/City Council, City Hall, City Clerk, Economic Development, Streets, Cemetery, Engineering): $1,000,381 • RMU (includes Customer Service, Electric Operations and Generation, Water/Water Reclamation, Advanced Communications, and Tech Center): $2,549,668 • Hotel/Motel: $166,489 • Airport: $105,675 • Railroad: $513,600 • Golf Course: $35,850

Total Reductions: $4,371,663

Staff is forecasting at least a 10%-15% reduction in all revenues due to lower than anticipated tax collections, reduced utility usage, and increased delinquencies. Most of the proposed cuts represent reductions and delays in capital expenditures, but they also include leaving several open positions unfilled along with the consolidation of other positions. If revenues and expenses fall in line with projections, I do not anticipate utilizing any reserve fund or surplus fund balances this year.

Strategic Plan Goal Application: Maintain Fiscal Stability & Balanced Budget – Short Term Routine

Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Amending the Annual Budget for the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2020

Supporting Documents:

spreadsheet 2020 Budget Amendment (32 KB)

pdf 2020 Budget Amendment Presentation (1.60 MB)

pdf Ordinance Amending the Annual Budget for the Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2020 (366 KB)

Agenda Item #6 -  Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Elizabeth Anning for a Temporary Construction Easement

Staff Contact: City Engineer Sam Tesreau

Summary: Attached is an agreement for a temporary construction easement for the South Main Street Phase 1 reconstruction project.

As a result of the final engineering plans it was determined that certain additional right of way parcels and easements were necessary to complete the construction of the improvements. Appraisals were conducted on each property.

Funding Sources:    
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
CIP South Main Street Phase I Improvements Sec #12-00112-00FP Within total budgeted projected expense of $3.6M for 2020  
Elizabeth Anning (0.088 Acres +/-) PIN 24-36-232-001 Temporary Easement $744 (including applicable damages to property)


Recommendation: Approve a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Elizabeth Anning for a Temporary Construction Easement

Strategic Plan Goal application: Acquisition of the right of way and/or easements allow the City to move forward with improving infrastructure throughout the community

Supporting Documents:

pdf Agreement for a Temporary Construction Easement (102 KB)

pdf Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Elizabeth Anning for a Temporary Construction Easement (122 KB)

 Agenda Item #7 - Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Accepting the Proposal of URETEK USA, INC. and Authorizing Related Expenditures

Staff Contact: Sam Tesreau, City Engineer


The Dement Road bridge/overpass is experiencing issues with embankment side slope instability, differential settlement, pavement integrity and drainage, and drainage blockages within the tributary crossing under said overpass. The drainage issues, within the tributary, have caused extreme silting within the box culvert and further blockages of storm sewer systems draining the Dement Road pavement which appear to be independent of the approach slab settlement and side slope instability.

After evaluation of the various areas and having geotechnical borings/reports completed staff has been in contact with URETEK to develop a proposal for certain settlement mitigation measures for the southerly approach slab and underlying embankment. URETEK has submitted a proposal to mitigate the settlement issue on the southerly bridge approach and underlying embankment. Engineering staff has visited another County agency site that URETEK performed this type of mitigation work on and found it to be a successful solution. Once the platform is stabilized and the approach/sleeper slabs have been lifted to near original profile the City Street Department crews, along with other supporting contracted services, will proceed with the repair to the roadway and related appurtenances for approximately 200 feet. Furthermore, they will restore the drainage systems and bridge cone area near the abutment. The City Engineer, along with Public works, has estimated an additional $114,780.00 for the time and materials, equipment, and other necessary contracted services to provide cleaning, drainage system repair and restoration of the associated embankments and roadway items to be reconstructed after URETEK has completed the settlement mitigation.

It is anticipated that Dement Road will be closed to traffic by June 1, 2020 and will remain closed until the project is completed in early July 2020. These emergency roadway, overpass and drainage system repairs are qualifying items under the Infrastructure Bond ordinance. Therefore, the City’s CIP source of payment will be through the Infrastructure Revenue Bond proceeds.

 Funding Sources:    
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:

CIP 36-00-86083

CIP 36-00-89000

$130,000 Construction

$180,000 Other Imporvements

 $90,500.00 URETEK Proposal

$114,780.00 Additional Expenses


Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Accepting the Proposal of URETEK USA, INC. and Authorizing Related Expenditures

Strategic Plan Goal application: infrastructure effectiveness and improvement short term complex

Supporting Documents:

pdf URETEK Proposal (110 KB)

pdf Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Accepting the Proposal of URETEK USA, INC. and Authorizing Related Expenditures (127 KB)

 Agenda Item #8 - Railcar Transload Agreement between the Burlington Junction Railway, Inc and Bruns Construction

Staff Contact: Jason Anderson – Economic Development Director

Summary: The contract between the Burlington Junction Railway (BJRY) and Bruns Construction is being submitted for City Council approval. The BJRY has promoted the capabilities of the Rochelle Transloading Center (RTC) to numerous companies and has secured two opportunities to transload nonhazardous materials through the City Industrial Railroad/RTC. Bruns construction will provide the loading/unloading and trucking function and the BJRY will handle railcar switching and railcar movements. Individual Transload Agreements are necessary at this time because our current Switching Agreement does not cover the RTC operations.

Strategic Plan Application: Expanding the City of Rochelle Railroad Capabilities to advance Industrial Development and increase railroad revenues.

Recommendation: Approve the Railroad Transloading Agreement between the Burlington Junction Railway, Inc. and Bruns Construction.

Supporting Documents:

pdf Railcar Transload Agreement (247 KB)

Agenda Item #9 - Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding WESCO Englewood Electric the Purchase Order for the Purchase of LED Streetlights

Staff Contact: Adam Lanning

Summary: As part of the 6th Street and the 2nd Avenue projects we will replace 25 street lights to match the current style for the downtown area. In order to continue with this style, we propose bypassing the bid process and approving a bid from WESCO Distribution. The reimbursed cost for the Steward Road development of $60,000 will be used to purchase these lights.

 Funding Sources:    
Funding Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
Electric Funds $60,000 $57,500


Recommendation: Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding WESCO Englewood Electric the Purchase Order for the Purchase of LED Streetlights in the amount of $57,500.

Supporting Documents:

pdf Quote from WESCO Distribution (29 KB)

pdf Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding WESCO Englewood Electric the Purchase Order for the Purchase of LED Streetlights (280 KB)

 Agenda #10 -  Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Open Systems International, INC. an Order for the Purchase of SCADA System Upgraded Software

Staff Contact: Adam Lanning

Summary: The electric department’s existing SCADA software (OSI) needs to be upgraded in order to maintain operational effectiveness. Several components of the software will discontinue functioning and risk losing the SCADA system altogether without this upgrade. OSI is the current SCADA provider and to continue using the same software we need to forgo the bid process. The bid includes upgraded software implementation and training of all users.

Funding Sources:     
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
Electric Engineering $175,000 $35,536


Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Open Systems International, INC. an Order for the Purchase of SCADA System Upgraded Software in the amount of $35,536.

Supporting Documents:

pdf Quote from Open Systems Inc. (925 KB)

pdf Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Open Systems International, INC. an Order for the Purchase of SCADA System Upgraded Software (126 KB)